Breast Lift Surgery in San Francisco

Ready to get breast lift surgery in San Francisco? Patients wishing to elevate the bustline and attain tighter, firmer breasts can achieve their goals by undergoing breast lift surgery with Dr. Kenneth Bermudez. As we age, the breasts are affected by the body’s natural loosening of the skin, as well as other factors such as weight loss and pregnancy. Dr. Kenneth Bermudez can reduce the appearance of sagging, drooping breasts and give you a youthful, perky bust.

Breast Lift

A breast lift is designed to eliminate excess skin and fat and tighten the area to provide a fuller, more youthful contour. A breast lift procedure can also include placement of breast implants to add even more volume to the bustline.

  • Natural effects of aging

  • Pregnancy

  • Weight loss

  • Genetic disposition

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kenneth Bermudez, MD, please contact his offices today.

Breast Lift Procedure

Dr. Kenneth Bermudez, MD begins the breast lift procedure by making an incision around the areola, which is the dark-pigmented area surrounding the nipple. He continues incision down under the crease of the breast and removes excess skin. He then tightens the skin of the breast area, reshapes the breasts, and relocates the nipples to a higher position. The entire breast lift procedure typically takes less than two hours to complete and is usually performed on an outpatient basis. General anesthesia is generally used during breast lift surgery.

Breast Lift Recovery

Most of our SF breast lift patients will experience some bruising and swelling for two to three weeks after breast lift surgery. These side effects should fade as the breasts continue to heal. Any residual pain and discomfort can be reduced with medication. As with any surgical procedure, there will be some scarring from the operation. However, Dr. Kenneth Bermudez, MD will make every effort to make scarring as minimal as possible. Breast lift scars typically fade to thin white lines over a period of months. Patients can usually resume normal daily activities about a week after surgery, although strenuous activities in the first few weeks of recovery should be avoided because they can put pressure on the breasts and slow the healing process.


As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved with breast lift surgery. These include:

  • Allergic reaction or negative response to anesthesia

  • Excessive bleeding

  • Infection

  • Numbness of areas on the breast

  • Permanent loss of nipple sensation

  • Possible interference with breastfeeding

  • Asymmetry of the breasts

  • Significant scarring

Dr. Kenneth Bermudez works very hard to minimize these risks and make the procedures safe and effective. He will discuss all risks and possible complications with you during your initial breast lift consultation at his cosmetic surgery San Francisco offices.


The numerous benefits of a breast lift make it one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures in the nation. The benefits of undergoing a breast lift procedure include:

  • Correction of drooping or sagging breasts

  • Tighter, firmer, more youthful-appearing bustline

  • Increased self-confidence

  • More clothing options

Also, a breast lift can bring the entire body into proportion, giving you a newly contoured appearance. Dr. Kenneth Bermudez, MD is exceptionally well-trained in several breast procedures, including breast lift, breast augmentation with breast implants and breast reconstruction. In addition, he specializes in female and male breast reduction. In fact, Dr. Bermudez has been recognized as one of the more experienced San Francisco breast reduction providers. Our before-and-after photos of some of our previous patients can help you get a better idea of the aesthetic results that can be achieved through these procedures.

Contact Your San Francisco Breast Lift Surgeon

A breast lift is a relatively simple cosmetic surgery procedure that can do wonders for the look of your entire body. To schedule a breast lift consultation today, please contact Kenneth Bermudez, MD.