Top Benefits of SkinPen Microneedling


Cosmetic companies have long been introducing innovative solutions that solve countless skin conditions ahead of other brands. Over the last several years, though, there seems to be a renewed inspiration flowing into our skincare regimes through technology. Some of the high-tech tools and devices include facial massagers, mechanical exfoliators, and derma rollers, to name a few. Do you have acne, scars, fine lines, or uneven skin tone? Here are the top benefits of using SkinPen microneedling to achieve that healthy, youthful glow:


It Stimulates Natural Collagen Production


Your skin gradually loses its natural collagen as you age. Collagen is a protein that prevents your skin from sagging. Microneedling works by inducing your skin to produce more collagen. As you know, the procedure involves using a pen-like tool with tiny needles to make small pricks under your skin. The controlled injury causes your skin to respond by producing new collagen-rich tissue, giving you that firm, plump skin.


It Smooths Fine Lines and Wrinkles


The natural aging process causes your skin to get thinner and lose its elasticity. These lead to fine lines, wrinkles, and folds. The microneedling procedure creates micro-channels in your skin. The small punctures made into it causes your skin to overdrive and release elastin and collagen. Your skin becomes stronger as your tiny wounds heal. You can expect a significant decrease in fine lines and wrinkles after the treatment.


It Minimizes Large Pores


Your sebum helps in moisturizing and protecting your skin. When your skin’s sebaceous glands secrete sebum, anything that it comes into contact with, such as dirt and dead skin cells, will attach to this sticky, oily substance. Your pores can expand and contract to accommodate anything that gets trapped in it. When your pores stretch, they can be home to bacteria, causing acne, blackheads, and whiteheads. Whether your large pores are due to age, oily skin, or genetics, you can minimize them with microneedling.


It Reduces Hyperpigmentation


If you’ve experienced acne breakouts, you must know how frustrating dark spots can be. Even when you don’t suffer from acne, you can still be vulnerable to hyperpigmentation. These patches on your skin that become darker than the surrounding areas can develop because of various reasons. These include skin inflammation due to acne or injury and long-term sun exposure. Hyperpigmentation can affect all ages and any skin type. With microneedling, you can get rid of this uneven skin tone and enjoy smooth, clear skin.


What to Expect From SkinPen Microneedling


Your SkinPen microneedling treatment will start with your dermatologist preparing your skin with topical anesthetic. They will assemble a set of tiny sterile needles. They can adjust these at varying depths, ranging from 0.25 millimeters to 2.5 millimeters. Your dermatologist will gently glide the device across your skin to break tiny openings into the skin’s surface. They will determine the needles’ length and the puncture depth to use according to your needs and desired correction.


Once your dermatologist accesses your skin’s natural barrier, they will apply a unique blend of skincare products to the treatment area. This is to enhance skin hydration effects and provide optimal results. The procedure generally takes 30 minutes or an hour, depending on the area treated and the intended outcome.


Learn more about the benefits of skin pen microneedling, contact Kenneth Bermudez, MD, in San Francisco, CA at (415) 712-1800 to book a consultation.